Convert your desktop data in a few easy steps:
Log in to TaxSlayer Pro desktop software with your Admin or Superuser information.
Navigate to Utilities > Run Conversion Program > New Conversion > Desktop. Click Submit.
Choose the Program you would like to convert and select the correct Path to Program Data.
Click Start to begin the conversion. You will see a green box and the word “Done” when your conversion is complete.
Select tax form for conversion
Tax Software | 1040 |
Crosslink |
Drake |
ProSeries |
TaxAct |
TaxWise |
Note: If you select ProWeb as your software package, all individual returns (1040s) can be transferred over. However, this package does not support Form 1065, 1120, 1220S, or 1041. Learn more.
Before you transfer your data, make sure you find the best tax preparation software package for your company.
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