How to Become a Certified Acceptance Agent: Step-by-Step Guide 

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Whether you’re interested in becoming a Certified Acceptance Agent or looking to renew your application, we want to be certain you have all the necessary information to move forward. Follow our step-by-step guide to ensure you receive the right training and submit all the correct materials for a successful application process 

What is a Certified Acceptance Agent? 

A Certified Acceptance Agent is a person (or business) who can help people who don’t qualify for a Social Security number get an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), so they can file Form 1040 and other tax schedules. 

If your business is in a place with an influx of taxpayers with ITINs, you could benefit from having this certification. 

Steps to become an IRS-Certified Acceptance Agent 

There are four key steps to becoming an IRS-Certified Acceptance Agent, and you must complete each one thoroughly and accurately to ensure the IRS accepts your application.  

Step 1: ITIN acceptance agent training 

You must complete a mandatory training session for IRS ITIN acceptance agents.  

Step 2: Forensic training 

Complete and submit a forensic training course available on the IRS website. 

Step 3: Acceptance agent application 

Note that before you can complete the electronic IRS-Certified acceptance agent application, you’ll need to have an IRS e-Services account. Once you have e-Services access, select Acceptance Agent Application from the menu.  

Make sure any individuals within your organization who are listed on the application complete applicable fields and sign respective training certificates and jurats. Now, you’re ready to submit your application to participate in the IRS Acceptance Agent Program. 

Step 4: Upload CAA documentation  

All new Certified Acceptance Agent applicants and renewals must complete Form 13551, Application to Participate in the IRS Acceptance Agent Program, and submit it to the IRS.  

The IRS no longer accepts applications by mail. You must access and complete the Acceptance Agent application through IRS e-Services and  upload any required documents through the CAA Documentation Upload Tool

Understanding the Certified Acceptance Agent application process  

To obtain and maintain your status as a Certifying Acceptance Agent, you’ll need to understand the key components of the application process, which include: 

  • Completing at least five W-7s a year to stay in the program 
  • Submitting to background checks and tax compliance checks conducted by the IRS 
  • Ensuring completeness of your application since it will not be processed without all required forms  
  • Making sure that everyone in your office who is listed as a responsible party on the Certified Acceptance Agent application undergoes both ITIN acceptance agent training and forensic training 

Completing your training and certification 

In the past, tax preparers have had to submit Certified Acceptance Agent applications through the mail. But the IRS recently introduced a new online process , which has reduced application processing time for properly submitted documents from 120 days to 60 days. 

Training requirements and resources for a Certified Acceptance Agent 

Becoming an IRS-Certified Acceptance Agent requires specific training and adherence to rigorous standards. Individuals or entities wishing to obtain certification must complete mandatory ITIN Acceptance Agent training and demonstrate proficiency in helping foreign individuals obtain ITINs. Additional forensic document training is  required for Certified Acceptance Agents  to authenticate identification documents. 

The IRS has a Certified Acceptance Agent FAQ page to address questions and concerns about applying for certification.  

How long does the certification process take? 

The IRS can take up to 60 days to process your application.  

Maintaining your certification and compliance 

For applicants renewing their IRS-Certified Acceptance Agent status, it’s best to complete and submit Form 13551 at least six months before your certification expires. You will also need to attach your certificate to Form 13551. Certified Acceptance Agent certificates expire on December 31 the fourth year after the IRS approves your application or renewal.  

For more information about how to become a Certified Acceptance Agent, please visit the Acceptance Agent Program page on the IRS Website. You can also access an extensive archive of advice and guidance on other tax preparer topics through our online resource library.  

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